Tuesday, May 28, 2013

TIP OF DAY: Has anybody ever had been cyber bullied that bad you had to say something bad to them? Well that is not good. They might say bad stuff to you, just think. What they say is not right at all. Stay calm and ignore them. What they say is about them.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

When Alp was cyber bullied:

Where were you cyber bullied?

Turkey, Ankara

Why were you cyber bullied?

I don't know

How did it affect you?

I was sad and angry

Is this cyber bullying story continuing?


Can you give us a little summary?

There are these girls that I don't like and they cyber bullied me because if they bully me in school they are scared I will get help from the school.

Thank you Alp for giving us your cyber bullying Story:)
Hello everyone. Today I have a website about deforestation. this person does not like animals dying and cutting down trees so he made website. (His websites not done)


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hello everyone!!! Today I want to hear your cyber bullying story. What you did to stop the cyber bullying issue and after what happened. You will have a chance of going on my website.
Guess what. I decided to make Friday and Thursday Fun day. So todays question THAT IS FUN IS:
What is your favorite video game? If you like you can also answer this question: How many times have you been cyber bullied?

My favorite game is Team Fortress 2
I have never been cyber bullied on Team Fortress 2

That is why it is my favorite game.
Hello people! this is going to be a little off-topic ,but you might like it. So if I get 200 Page views till June 4th, I will show my house and my face! Gather your friends on this site!!!1!!!!
Also about the Xbox live stream, I liked it a lot. I want your ideas. Xbox or Playstation or any other console.


Hello everybody!! I watched the new Xbox One live stream. It is epic!!! Unfortunately I couldn't understand or hear anything about security.

Do You Think You Will Be Able to Be Cyber Bullied?

Comments please.

Hello everybody now everybody reading this, I want you guys to help me about information about cyber bullying. Have you ever cyber bullied someone? Write in the comments.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In the comments please tell if you have been cyber bullied in the past 30 days, 20 days, 10 days 1 day, or even in a less.
Hey guys! I also have a facebook page. It is called No To Cyberbullying. Hopefully you will like my page (pleazzzzze:)


comment if it didn't work
Today I have a very bad story of this child. He has been cyber bullied and bad things happened. I am sorry for him :(


Wow look at these computers they are really cool.

Comment: Apple if you think apple is better
Comment: Windows if you think windows is better

I <3 windows because my dad works at Microsoft

Hello people again. Now if you LUV dogs  and hate it when people act bad to dogs, I know the site. Her site is about puppy mills and pet shops being cruel to dogs. BTW I know her :) 


Have a great time!!!!!!

Have any of you that came to this site been cyber bullied? Well if you have I know the perfect site.
go to www.kidsnotocyberbullying.weebly.com I made it and it might be vary helpful. Thank You!
Do you know what cyber bullying is?

If you do know what is cyber bullying, answer this question:

Is this cyber bullying?

In the comments write what you think

Yes or No